Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Template Tuesday - Fox Family

It's been a little while, sorry guys! I need to keep it up and also focus on doing papercuts that aren't template tuesdays, too. It's been a while since I've done those as well. I asked on the facebook fan page what kind of thing that people would like to see and I got an overwhelming chorus of Fox Family! And I can't resist those little foxes, so here you go! Pop quiz: does anyone know what the names of female, male and baby foxes are?

Here's what the template will look like:
Here's the actual pdf of the scherenschnitt: Fox Family



Beverly {Flamingo Toes} said...

This is so cute! I'm all about foxes right now - I can't wait to give it a try!

jessica said...

Crazy cute, you vixen ;)

juan said...

excelentes trabajos felicidades.saludos desde el Bolson.Patagonia.Argentina.

Trisha said...

Thanks! Cute kits!