Monday, April 27, 2009

Template Tuesday - Mother's Day Hen

Mother's Day is coming up and I'm always so bad at remembering until it's too late or I procrastinate thinking that I have plenty of time. This Mother's Day, I'm prepared! I have a craft book and I think I'll give her this little papercut with the Mother Hen and her chicks.

Here's what the template will look like when you download it. Remember, cut out the gray part first and then the outer outline.

Here's the free template: Mother's Day Hen

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Template Tuesday - Indian Princess

For a little while now, I've liked to draw people riding elephants. Maybe it's because I'm jealous of this guy, maybe it's because elephants are really cool to draw, I don't know, but that's what I drew whilst being bored in church this weekend.

Here's what the template will look like. Remember, you can either print this out directly onto the back of the paper you're going to cut or you can print it out onto another sheet and tape it directly to your paper. Either way works. Cut out the center (gray) areas first and then cut the outlines.

Here's the actual template: India Princess Papercut. Enjoy!

In other news, I got my first bad review on Etsy. Some lady accused me of not even drawing one of my cards. Should I send her her money back or just send her a new batch? Maybe I should just ask her. It would have been nice if she would have told me her problems before she muddied up my excellent feedback record.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Template Tuesday - Dove of Peace

This last weekend I went to Washington DC with some good friends to visit some other good friends. On Saturday we went down to Mt. Vernon, the home of George Washington. There were so many interesting things to learn there and so many beautiful things to see. One of my most favorite things I saw (other than his actual dentures) was the weather vane on top of his house. I thought it was beautiful that the man who helped to forge this country would have something so simple and delicate crowning his home. It's a lesson for all of us in that no matter how tough things get outside the confines of our own four walls, there should always be peace in the home.

Here is what the dove looks like. It has an olive leaf in it's mouth, another symbol of peace.
For the template, I put a whole bunch of little doves on a sheet of 8.5 x 11 paper. I put them in my plants. You can do whatever you want with them! George Washington Dove of Peace.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Illustration Friday

Cool! My friend Rama posts on the Illustration Friday blog and they featured me! Thanks so much!

Illustration Friday

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Template Tuesday - Daffodilly and Chick I'm way late on doing this Template Tuesday, but the appeal of a blog is that you can alter the date and no one will know! Unless I say something like this.

So the other day, we were throwing out names for stuff at work and I happened to like the name Daffodilly and no one else saw my vision. I asked my co-workers what I should do for another Easter papercut and Hillary said I should do a Daffodilly one. Brilliant! So I did. This one started out as a mirror image cut, but didn't look quite right, so I just made it a single image.

Here's the template and the below image is what it should look like: Daffodilly.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009


I totally failed yesterday with Template Tuesday. It's because I'm leaving for Washington DC in a half hour and I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I will have Template Thursday this week!

That said, I'm going to be in the DC area, do any of you know of any museums or places that have Scherenschnitte to look at? I would love to see some stuff! Also, do any of you know if there are any places to buy papercutting paper over there? It seems like the east is more Scherenschnitte savvy and might actually have something like that.



Thursday, April 02, 2009

Liz Davis Maxfield

You guys remember the post I did a little while ago about the piece I did for my friend Liz? It was for the cover of her album, Big Fiddle:

Well, she finished the album and made a great website animating the papercut I did! It looks so cool!
Visit Liz Davis Maxfield to see it (and to buy the cd if you want)!