Saturday, October 11, 2008


Okay, guys, there's a woman named Elsa Mora who just made the ultimate papercutting blog. It's so beautiful. Go see what's she's done and enjoy it to the fullest extent!



daysease said...

SIGH... it is so fun to keep going back!!! It has already been added to my favorites, and i keep returning just to soak up all the creative inspiration that is there.. and to check into all the other papercutters who I have been wanting to investigate, but did not know where to find them. :-) Glad I found you before now... Congrats on being Featured!!! and, wondering, how much does a commisioned cut cost? Well, have a great day!!!

Waterrose said...

It is amazing. I think anyone who paper-cuts like all of you lovely artists are amazing! I've admired it since the first time I saw the are while living in Germany.