Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Template Tuesday - RIP

One of my favorite things about dead trees is when vultures sit in them. I couldn't resist putting a little vulture guy over this grave of the undead. He's probably thinking, "Hey! I already ate that guy!" or maybe that's the reason he waits in that particular tree, because he knows some tasty snack might unearth itself sometime soon. Patience is a virtue.

Here's the template. This one is fairly simple. The trickiest part is to not cut through the center of the letters. Or you can, if you like that look. Here's what the template looks like.

And remember, these are for personal use only. Please do not sell them and write them off as your own. Here's the papercutting template: RIP

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it- this would look great on a pumpkin :)