Monday, October 14, 2013

In Focus - Helen Musselwhite

I was looking at some papercut images on Pinterest and I noticed an image that wasn't labeled as to who the creator was. If I'm going to repin something, I like to credit who the artist is, if at all possible. So, there was this one papercut and I thought it was so beautiful, but couldn't figure out who had created it. It looked like a Helen Musselwhite image, so I searched for her website to see if it was there. I couldn't find that image, but I found a treasure trove of papercutting goodness. If you guys haven't heard of Helen Musselwhite, you might want to click on her name and check her out. She'll make you weep a little because of the glory of her talent. Here are some images of her's to wet your whistle.

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