
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Template Tuesday - Dinoride

Finally, Valentine's is over and I can reprogram myself again to think that next year I'll have a Valentine. It will happen! Anyway, here's a boy and his dinosaur. I cut this one out and put it on pop-dots so that my paper would have more of a shadow. I think it turned out nice.

Here's how the template will look:
Download your free template of a boy with his pet dinosaur here: Dinoride

P.S. For those of you who were asking about the Mushroom Bunny and the Bike Ride templates, those links are active once more.


  1. Ha! My son is so going to just love this!!!! Awesome!

  2. whatever you are seeking is ALSO seeking you! So, a Valentine next season will more than likely be in the cards! Meanwhile - you are a creative force all on your own - never forget this!

  3. Lovely idea! I'm gonna pass this link to my sister, whose son is a dinosaur-maniac.

    Thnks for sharing!

  4. I love this!!!!!
    I used it on a T-shirt here:

    Thanks for the template!

  5. My nephew has a huge wall mural in his room of a dinosaur "breaking" in. I'm going to try this one (give him some glasses) and hopefully get it to him in time for his birthday. LOVE IT! I wish I'd discovered you sooner...

  6. Anonymous9:51 PM

    I love your site and think you're a genius. Unfortunately I did see one of your images used without giving credit to you and allowing others to download as if it was their own creation and thought it should come to your attention. It is on a site called Mima's Stomping Grounds on a card titled "Dyno-mite_birthday".

    I appreciate your generosity in sharing images for our personal use and of course I would always point people to your website if they wanted to know more about your images.

  7. Many of your links to templates from 2012 and back no longer work. I'd love to be able to access them, if possible, please. Thank you so much.

  8. Thanks for sharing thhis
