I just moved into a new house and everything is so overwhelming so I'm trying to ignore the chaos and put some normality back into my life. I figured I'd do that by starting up exercising again. This silhouette was going to get pushed aside but I decided to take advantage of my new porch and the moonlight and the giant floodlights the old lady had put up who previously lived there and sketch a little something. I'm researching mushrooms for a different project I'm doing and thought I'd try out a little scene with that theme.
Here's what the template will look like. Remember to cut out the gray areas first and then the outlined area in the back.

Download your free scherenschnitte template here:
Mushroom Bunny
I cut this out at work and am using a different mat than I normally would use. This one doesn't suit me. If you are trying to use a craft knife to cut out your papercuts and it tears all the time, maybe try getting a different mat. It'll make a big difference.
I love the template/cutting! I just can't wait to sit down and cut it out - your cuttings are just amazing.
Cindy, this is adorable. I love rabbits, bunnies, mushrooms and girls. Thank you SO MUCH for this lovely template. Your generosity is not taken for granted!
I was looking around oneprettything(dot)com and i found your Harry Potter papercut, so I tried it out...and now I can't wait to start this mushroom one. I do have a question though- it sounds stupid, but how do you copy this template onto black paper to get a black silhouette? How does the template show up on the black? Thanks, and I love your papercuts :)
I just happened upon your blog - by Divine direction, I think. I have been fascinated by scherenschnitte for years now, since I first came across it in an old crafting book. I have been completely intimidated by it, afraid to try it, but now it's a done deal. You have inspired me to try it, through your incrediby beautiful work. While I know that my work will be rudimentary at best, I will keep coming to your site for encouragement and continued inspiration. Thank you!
any suggestion om mats for us beginners?
Kim, I'm glad you try them out!
Nana, thank you so much for your great comments!
Kathy, oh cool! I hope that the HP cut wasn't too difficult. What I do is I use black origami paper - it's white on the background and comes in various sizes. If you're going to cut it out of solid black paper, you could just print the template out on thin regular paper and tape it to your black paper. Be sure to cut out the middle parts first before you cut out the outside or your template will shift.
Camie, excellent! I'm glad you're going to start trying out the art!
Yorkies, well, currently I like Martha Stewart's mats a lot. If they are too plasticy and don't feel soft to the touch, the paper will slip around a lot. Feel a Martha Stewart mat and feel some other mats and you'll see what I mean.
Aww, it's darling! Thanks so much for this, I'll be linking.
Thanks- i did use origami paper, but found it too thin so I printed out the template on white and stuck them together.
How absolutely perfect for a small girls room? I love it!
I just came over from CRAFT and this is fantastic! I love it.
What a cute cut! My sister's papercuts are beautiful. She'll love this design, too. Thanks for sharing!
p.s. Found you via Craft on Twitter. Can't wait to explore your blog.
I just found your blog via How About Orange and am entranced. You're creations are beautiful! I can't wait to look at more. Thank you for sharing your amazing talent!
I have tried this one with all intention to post on my blog but I didn't like the 'holes' in my mushroom caps :( I'd used a punch and they just seemed "too perfect" and un-natural somehow.
Do you cut those tiny circles with scissors?
Which brings me to asking then about the size of your cut-out? Maybe I'd printed mine too tiny in the first place; it's upstairs but I think about 3.5" high.
I'll try it again/soon.
o.k. Cindy; I have finally posted my cutting (and more). Hope you approve; I'd love your feedback too.
I just linked you in my luscious link love - these paper cuttings are beautiful! Thanks for sharing.
I just made this paper cutting for a birthday gift, and it was my very first one! It was so much fun, and I only have one bloody finger from a slipped craft knife! ^0^ Thanks so much for your inspiration and your patterns!
I instantly fell in love with this one ... so great!
I love this- Thank you so much for generously posting. Just tried to print it out, but I htink the link is broken.
ummm its saying page not available?? is it only available for a limited time? your working is amazing :)
This is really cool!
Unfortunately the link isn't working, is it possible that you could re-post it???
Cindy~ Love your cuttings! I Love your "Come thou fount" cutting.... (or is it here's my heart Lord...) Do you sell/share any templates for this one? I recently played this song in Sac. Mtg. on my harp & now I think it has become my favorite.
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