
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Junebug Adoration

I've been wanting to try my hand at another 3D papercut and couldn't think of a subject. I finally settled on a scene from Thumbelina. This is where a June Bug scoops her up and takes her high into the trees. There he just sits and stares at her and thinks she is so beautiful. All the other June Bugs think she's a troll and make fun of him for adoring her. He eventually falls sway to their peer pressure and releases her from his grasp.


  1. WOW! I grew up with my mom making scherenschnitte all of the time and selling them at craft fairs. I have a deep admiration for them, but this is like nothing I've ever seen.

    I love the idea of it in a shadowbox. How many layers are there? Gorgeous!

  2. This is lovely! Thumbelina has never been one of my favorite stories, but I really like this. You know you have talent when you can make a beetle look cute.
