
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Template Tuesday - I Vant To Suck Your Blahd!

Hey everyone! I'll bet you thought I forgot about you. I totally did. I went and fell in love with this really awesome guy and completely threw all blogging responsibilities to the wind. I will try to be a little more proactive. Or at least lay down strict rules that I need to make a Template Tuesday at least twice a month.

That said, I have an important thing to discuss. It's come to my attention that some of my templates are being used for commercial gain without my consent. I realize that I haven't put up any kind of messages saying not to do that, but I figured if someone wanted to sell some artwork, they'd want to sell some of their own. Obviously that's not the case and I would just like to make it clear that these templates are for personal use only. They are not to be used on your etsy site, they are not to be used in the cards you sell at a farmer's market, they are not to be used as your own templates to sell - stuff like that. They are to be used to give to your mom, to put up in your kid's room, to practice for yourself - stuff like that. If there's a gray area, like you want to put them on your cd or use them in a publication with credits, send me an email, I will be very accommodating.

So, now that that's over, here's a Halloween Template Tuesday to mess around with. Last Saturday we went to see Off Broadway Theatre's Dracula vs. Jekyll and Hyde. It was an excellent production, very kid friendly, so if you're in the Salt Lake area, try to give it a look-see. My favorite character in the production was Count Dracula. So charming. I thought I'd do a simple Dracula template for the holiday and in honor of the Count. Happy Cutting!

Here he is, about to suck some blood. He loves the ladies. Here's what the template will look like:

Download your free template here: Dracula


  1. Thank you for sharing that! It's geat!

  2. You're back! I'm so excited!

  3. Sometimes I think I do see hints of your work on other people's sites....mostly the birds on a wire or variations of that. I see a lot of pieces that remind me of Elsita too.

  4. Yes, I thought when I got my iPad that I lost the link to your site. Soooo glaaad you are back (and in love)!

  5. Thank you for the file. Hope you have no further problems with people mishandling the file's rights.

  6. LOVE it! thank you so very much for sharing your talent!! Have an awesome day! :)

  7. I am so happy for you, Cindy! May your really awesome guy be the love of your life. Is the dog jealous?
