
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Template Tuesday - Bubbles

I had a busy weekend this last week. It was filled with wonderful, fun things. Sometimes things don't turn out like you want them to though. That was the inspiration for this cut, the beauties of life being the fragile bubbles and the popped one the disappointments. But just because there are disappointments doesn't mean you should stop blowing bubbles.

Here's what the template will look like. The thin lines are tricky. On the loopy parts, cut the insides out first and then cut out the line. Cut from left to right, unless you're left handed. Also, I find it best to cut the intersecting parts, like the part where the lines meet the bubbles, going from the corners out.

Here's the free papercut template: Bubbles


  1. wonderful!!!
    thanks for the Template <3

  2. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the Cutting category today [21 Apr 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  3. Summer has arrived here early this year, and we blow bubbles a lot! Thank you for this lovely cutting template.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Your artistry and boundless optimism are inspiring to me. Thank you, friend!

  6. You are so great.

  7. This is so pretty! :)

  8. Bonjour,
    Je viens de découvrir votre blog, je suis émerveillée par vos travaux. Compliments !

  9. Love your templates ... i have never tried much of paper cutting ... but i am planning to try some inspired by your blog :).

  10. I have been reading your blog for a while now and I love your designs. You are very talented and very generous too. I've downloaded a couple of your templates and have just used Bubbles on a bookmark I made in Adobe Photoshop. I'll be posting it on my little blog tomorrow. I hope this is okay, I'll be linking it to your blog, thank you!

  11. Anonymous11:34 AM

    I have been wanting to give scherenschnitte a go for years and years. Finally, I made my first one, and this is the template that I used. It turned out rather nice, although my bubble lines are a bit more in width. Thank you, Cindy, for the temple. When anyone asks (if they ask!), I'll make certain to tell them about you.

    It was a nice break from working with lasers and holograms!

    -- Frank DeFreitas

  12. The template is beautiful! I actually used the image for a poster and I wanted to let you know about it (the poster is not for sale, I'm not making money off your image):

  13. Your blog is awesome ! I am going to try out some of your templates.. I even printed out some yesterday.. I just have one question. I find it very difficult to cut out the circles. How do I do it without making a massive mess of things? Thank you !
