
Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Template Tuesday - Rapunzel

The other day, my roommate Kim and I went to see Disney's newest princess movie, Tangled. I enjoyed it. It was really pretty and very full of zippy adventure, romance and animal friends. Although I couldn't help but sneer my lip a little. I love the original. I love the poor man stealing vegetables from the witch's garden. I love that Rapunzel lets it slip to the witch that she's being visited by the prince by remarking how much lighter he was. I love how she gets knocked up and bears twins in the wilderness. I didn't realize that they were fooling around up in that tower until I was much older. It was like watching Grease when I get the innuendo. So, I thought I'd do a little Rapunzel cut in honor of the new and the old.

Here's what the template will look like:

Please feel free to download this papercut template for your own personal use: Rapunzel


  1. I'm so glad you have brought back template tuesdays. Thank you so much for this Rapunzel template. My young grand daughter has long blond hair, and she fantasizes about this movie a lot. This will be great for a scrapbook page with her dress-up playtime featured.

  2. Oh wow, this looks adorable! And so appropriate with the movie now on! Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Anonymous12:01 PM

    I love love love your site. I just found it last night. Your work is really beautiful and inspiring - I just started this hobby a couple of months ago and you definitely give me an idea of where it can go. Really appreciated on these cold winter days!

  4. this is really cool! love how you did it with the old paper!

  5. Ha ha! I don't remember that version of Rapunzel! When did she have twins in the wilderness? Mom must have left that part out. :) I do remember something about the prince having his eyes gouged out and her healing him with her tears.
    I love how you cut this out of old fashioned scripted paper. Lovely!

  6. I LOVE this. I am going to make this right now. Your blog was what inspired my paper cutting in the first place, and I remember why. You always have the most beautiful designs!

  7. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Your work and designs are beautiful, and you are very kind to share them. I just cut the "Hedgehog Love" this evening for my college girlie. Also, I linked to your blog when I posted it on my own. Thank you so much for sharing.

  8. Love it! Can't wait to try it out. Would you ever consider giving us some tips on gluing and mounting? I seem to ruin all my paper cuts when it comes to this step. Any advice you could give would be much appreciated!
