
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Template Tuesday - Circus Bear

I'm super excited about this little guy. He's a dancing bear. Sometimes the squirrel likes to join him. I think, once a month, for template tuesday I'll try to do a circus themed one this year. I love the circus.

Here's what the template will look like. If you don't want the squirrel on his nose, you can just not cut out the squirrel. It's that simple!
Download your free Circus Bear template here: Circus Bear


  1. Bear balancing a squirrel. Too cute.

  2. muy bueno!! gran blog!!
    Os invito a visitar mi blog, es un blog acerca de leyendas, mitos y misterios de españa, esta abierto para que todo el mundo cuente sus historias, quizá algo que le haya ocurrido, alguna historia que recuerde de cuando era niño sobre algún ser imposible, lugares marcados por el misterio..., os invito a que comenteis con nosotros todas aquellas historias que deseeis, una vez a la semana se elegirá la historia que mas comentarios haya recibido y la publicaremos para que todo el mundo pueda leerla, os espero!!

  3. Fun template! Thank you!

  4. Beautiful your work. Congratulations!
    I put a link to your blog on mine, when you can go there and see if it approves. Cheers!

  5. Thank you! The bear is adorable.

  6. Hi Cindy, I'm your Newest Follower. I have always loved scissor cutting BUT haven't tried it!!! I will be shopping over at your ETSY shop and if you get a moment you can PEEK in on my BLOG!
    Happy Valentine's Day to you,
