
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Salt Lake Art Center

Today I did something very exciting. I went to the Salt Lake Art Center and dropped of these four pieces for them to sell in their gift shop. I kind of hate handing over art knowing that there's a possibility that I may never see it again. Particularly this first Alice piece. I love pretty much everything about it. If you live around Salt Lake and are downtown, go check them out! There will be prints there for sale as well.


  1. How much are they selling them for?

  2. Is the Alice/Cheshire cat shown in the first image available for purchase anywhere? I would need it shipped.

  3. I just adore everything you do. Sigh.

    I was wondering how you ship the particularly large pieces. Do you ship them flat? :)

  4. Oh my gosh, Cindy. Those snips in those fancy frames are breathtaking! Are the frames antiques? They work so well with the art work.(At first I thought they were little broaches and I wanted one badly! We'll have to find you some tiny broaches to fill. ; )


  5. WANT that Alice print! Like, WANT WANT WANT! Is it still available and for how much?

  6. May, Sarah & Emily - As far as I know, they are still available at the Salt Lake Art Center. They are original paper cuts and not prints. The Alice cut is $150, the two in the gold frames are $120 each and the bottom one, I think that one was $60.

    SG, the frames are antiques. I love how they look with the paper cuts, too. I keep wanting to make brooches as well. There should be more time in the day!

    Elle, it all just depends on if it's framed or not. If it's framed, I'll put them in a box within a box. If not, I'll put them just in a cardboard mailing box.

  7. Beautiful as always Cindy!

  8. so lovely, so precious!

  9. Simply beautiful, and in gorgeous frames.

  10. Oh, the Alice one is BEAUTIFUL! You are amazingly talented!! Do you evere do multiples or is each paper cut a unique piece?

  11. They are so beautiful!!!

  12. The alice piece is my favorite.
