
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Template Tuesday - Mayflower

So, maybe this Template Tuesday is on a Thursday. Semantics. The gauntlet was thrown at me on Tuesday and I had to pick it up (thanks Johnny for making me jealous that you were going elsewhere). I've mostly been lazy AND I've been needing to do a commissioned cut for my friend Marie and I've got papercutters block and I don't want to do anything else until I get hers done. But, I guess it's better to do something than nothing at all. Which brings me to this:

The Mayflower! I was trying to think of something Thanksgivingy to do that wasn't too corny and I thought of the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria and how they would be PERFECT to do and then I remembered that those were from when Columbus sailed the ocean blue. I had to think for a bit what famous ship the pilgrims sailed over on. And that is how this Mayflower papercut came about. As I was cutting this, I had no clue what year the ship sailed in and so I did a little research and found out it was 1620. This got me all excited because I came to realize that I would probably (hopefully) be alive in 2020 (which will just be an awesome year anyway) and I hope to have an amazing 400th year Thanksgiving birthday party. I wonder if the country will do anything special or if anyone will care? I think it's care-worthy.

Anyways, if you want to do the Scherenschnitte of the Mayflower, click here: Mayflower
Here's what the template will look like. I hope I've got another thankful one in me for next Tuesday.


  1. Love your work! Would love to have some one day! Until then I'll drool and enjoy via the internet! Keep up the GREAT work!

  2. Great design works. I can tell someone loves to work with Illustrator. ;)
    I kinda found your blog by chance while blog surfing. What made me stop by is the name of your blog "Scherenschnitte". My hubby is German and I asked him if the word was a German word and he translated to me what it means in English. Are your roots in Germany too or how come you decided for that word?
    Best Regards
    Paula Jo

  3. I love it! I can't wait to see what you have in store for Tuesday.

  4. Simply grand!! Thank you so much!!

  5. I am proud to know that one small comment is enough to help stop your papercutter's block.

    I have yet to brave actually doing one of your Tuesdays. I have not done much papercutting, so I am a bit daunted by some of your intricate designs. But fair is fair, so I'll make it a point to find one (probably an Alice in Wonderland one, because those are my favorites so far) and do it over the Thanksgiving break. I'll make sure to post it on my blog, should it be fit for viewing.

  6. Hi Cindy,
    I just stumbled onto your blog and I am blown away with what you do. I had no idea that people were even capable of the things you doing. I had a question. I saw you have a book out and I was wondering if you had any of your alice in wonderland designs in it. My daughters want their rooms decorated in alice and wonderland and I love your interpretation of that story. So I was just curious if there are those designs in there or if you sell your work in general. Thanks for sharing your great talents with us. Thanks so much.

  7. Hi Cindy,

    I was recently inspired to begin my own papercutting and several weeks ago stumbled across your site. Wonderful work by the way.

    Inspiration is definitely the word today! :) I have wanted to create something for my grandparents and wanted to cut some small turkeys for Thanksgiving, but saw your template today and …eureka!

    My family has many ties to the Mayflower passengers. We are direct descendents from Gov. William Bradford, among several others. I have decided in honor of Thanksgiving and my Mayflower relations to create my own Mayflower cutting that includes the compact and the signers with my ancestors’ names somehow prominently featured.

    Thanks for the inspiration! Good work!

  8. I came over from the One Pretty Thing blog, printed your template and started cutting! I am so proud of myself because it is my first one ever!!! I will come back and link after I frame it and share it on my blog! I can't believe how inspired I felt just looking at your drawing! It won't be the last! Thanks so much!

  9. It is done and posted on my blog!
    Thank you for the inspiration to try something new!

  10. You're so good with your monthly tutorials. I wish I were are orderly. jan

  11. thank you so much for this beautiful paper cutting design. I am going to try to do it to use it in a heritage scrapbook I am making for my nephew and his wife. (She is decended from a Mayflower passenger.)
    The passengers landed in late September 1620 and many died over the winter. The first Thanksgiving was the following fall in 1621.
