
Monday, August 23, 2010

Glory, Hallelujah! The Show

So it came down to the wire on Friday night. I had finished all my papercuts on Thursday morning and had to frame them all that day. All 50 of them. I actually hadn't finished the largest papercut until Friday. This is me, Friday morning, finishing the United States papercut. I look trashed. My dog has overtaken the house and is destroying a cardboard tube she found lying around.

I was able to shower and get everything together by 5 and head over to the gallery. Caleb and Hillary, owners of the Blonde Grizzly, had hung most everything and we managed to complete it by 6:45 (it started at 6, my fault!). Here I am with Caleb and Hillary.

Quite a few friends came to the show. I only managed to take pictures the first 15 minutes of the show and then I totally spaced it and talked to everyone and took pictures of no one. I took pictures in my heart though. This is one of my co-workers, Natalie, and her husband Josh.

These are some more of my coworkers, Tara, and her daughter Gwen and husband Brett, and Jenny.

My old friend Keith showed up with his wife, Sarah. They are so nice and this was their first gallery stroll without their kids, so they had more time for strolling.

Yes! We had lost the Daniels family to Texas, but they got brought back into the fold. They've been placed into the giant BYU bubble for me to visit. I'm super excited.

This is me! Here are some of the cuts from the show. There were 51 in all. You know, when you say that doing 50 things isn't that big a deal, don't listen to yourself.

A wall from the show.


More closeups. I will put up individual ones tomorrow.

Me and my largest piece, The United States of America. I have to pat myself on the back for this one, it's kind of pretty.

A closeup of the America one.

It was a great night! Thank you to all who showed up and an extra big thank you to all who helped me get everything prepared. I loved seeing everyone. If you didn't get a chance to see it, the show is still up and will be until the next Gallery Stroll. Visit the Blonde Grizzly on 15 East 400 South Salt Lake City, UT 84111.

They are open:
Monday - Friday: 11am - 7pm
Saturday: noon - 5pm


  1. Wow you show looks really wonderful! I so wish I could have seen it. That large USA piece is amazing!

  2. These cuts are beautiful, Cindy! I'll have to come to Salt Lake City to see it. I can see that you have kept yourself busy.

  3. Congratulations on a successful show! I sure wish I was closer so I could see it in person. How exciting to have your very own show...I don't know if I could do it.

  4. Congratulations on your show, your work is beautiful.
    Keith is my nephew and mentioned your show on our family facebook.


  5. Congratulations on a successful show. It looks amazing and so much hard work. I hope you're rewarding yourself with some relaxation now!

  6. I'm sorry I didn't get to see your show, it looks great! I work for the Springville Museum of Art, editing lesson material for Utah teachers. Any chance I could use an image of one of your artworks in a lesson? It would be wonderful to be able to include a Utah artist's work. Let me know. Louise Nickelson
