
Thursday, April 01, 2010

Humbly Kneeling, Sweet Appealing

I've been buying up dome glass thing at thrift stores a lot lately to make a series of 3D papercuts. I keep buying the domes and not using them. My church had a Relief Society dinner a few weeks ago and I needed to do a centerpiece. I thought it would be the perfect time to create something with these jars. I didn't know it was a competition and I won for most creative! My goal for all these is to do heavenly visitations, and not just those from the LDS religion. I would like to do visitations from the Old and New Testaments, from Catholic saints and from non-Christian religions. Do any of you have favorite stories of people who have had a brush with the divine?


  1. i think this is amazing. i'm not surprised you won. so i'm thinking of the sighting of guadalupe in mexico. also, i read some hindu book (now i can't remember the name) with my students - i'll have to research it and get back to you. what about buddha under his tree? don't know a lot about that story either.

  2. Your First Vision papercut is amazing!

    An idea that came to my mind is Joan of Arc.

  3. Ahhhh.... what a wonderful idea!!!

  4. Cindy,
    What a splendid idea the glass dome thing turned out to be! SO beautiful and different.

    I've always loved the Old Testament story of Hannah and Samuel. Both stories, the prayers of Hannah for motherhood and promising her son to serve the Lord as well as the story of Samuel's hearing his name called out in the night and mistaking it for the priest calling him - and then the realization that God was saying his name. Love, love, love these stories.

  5. Oh, that is just stunning!

  6. I'm picturing the wise men on camels searching for Bethlehem with a star up high in the dome.

  7. Margaret C9:46 AM

    Just gorgeous. I love your work. Fancy a challenge? My favourite is the sky full of angels visiting the shepherds !!! Also the Koarn was given to Mohammed by the Angel Jibril - there's another faith !

  8. Joseph looks so isolated from the world, Very reverent and creative, nice work!

  9. Your centerpiece was the best, though I think you missed the memo that it was supposed to be silly/retro rather than beautiful :)

    As for your other bell jars....Muhammad's night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem has some pretty great visuals. He rides the Buraq (a flying mishmash creature), stopping in heaven along the way.

  10. This is a wonderful piece to capture the spirit of the First Vision. I love how you incorporate faith n your art.
    Of the few Catholic Saints' stories that I am familiar with, my favorite is Saint Ita's vision in which she asks for the blessing of being able to nurse the Savior.
    I also love the lullaby by that name from Samuel Barber's "Hermit Songs" (i.e., St. Ita's Vision)

    Have a great day!

  11. Saint Theresa of Ávila, I love the idea of religious ecstasy.

  12. Cindy - I'd love to do this for an upcoming Youth Conference that I'm involved in. I'm thinking of using this idea and design you have to make luminaries. Can I get the pattern and your permission?


  13. I second jendoop's remark; my fiance's grandfather just passed away and I'd like to make one of these for his father... is there any way you could post a template?

  14. cindy, you never cease to amaze me. i really love browsing your work & i am still sad i missed seeing it in person. are you possibly going to be selling one of these? or two or three? absolutely beautiful.

  15. very nice presentation; a definate winner Cindy!

  16. Very nice, good blog....

  17. Cindy, I love papercutting & have been doing this off & on for 20 years.... Do you sell any of your patters? I'm not too good at designing..... LOVED the sacred Grove cutting!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. *gasp* That is just GORGEOUS!! I have a few LDS things in my home due to my picky-ness of how things look. I LOVE this. I have a empty dome...that NEEDS this....Any way I could get a pattern for this?? Just BEAUTIFUL!!

  20. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Cindy, I really love the "Humbly Kneeling" first vision piece. Do you sell that pattern? I would love to have it.

  21. So beautiful! I, too, would adore purchasing a pattern. Do you sell on Silhouette or anything? I'm devoted to papercraft, but I can't do the hand cutting due to having Lyme disease, and it effects my hands in unsavory ways... but oh, the joy of being able to cut this piece to have in my own home. What an artist you are!!! (btw. I love that we have the same alma mater... I miss so much seeing the in-house art shows at the Y. Good art, and often from a spiritual vantage point, is much missing in our mundane lives...)

    Word VErif: Mantl (How appropriate.)

  22. Sabine5:10 PM

    Dear Cindy,
    Your Scherrenschnitt ,3D prayer Circle ,had a totally spiritual affect on me ,Can I please ask you
    if you have this wonderful prayer for sale too? I would love this so much, are you german?
    vielen dank Sabine
    meine e-mail
