
Sunday, February 07, 2010

Winter Wonderland

Okay, I keep blathering about this to my friends but I don't know if I've made it clear on this blog. I'm having an art show at the Discovery Gateway Children's Museum on February 19th. It will be during the Gallery Stroll in their street level room on 100 South. The part that is open to the general public will be from 6-9pm. Please come and see! Dana, the woman at the museum who is helping me put together the whole show, has done so much work to make everything look just spectacular, including hanging branches from the rafters and cutting out life sized wooden pieces. It should be really pretty.

For those of you with small children, there will be a workshop that I will teach at 4:30. This workshop is the cost of entrance to the museum plus a small fee for materials. Call 801-456-5437 x130 to reserve your spots and for more information.


  1. Oh, this sounds wonderful! I just found your blog through Discovery Gateway and we can't wait to attend your class.

  2. Congratulations Cindy! THREE MORE DAYS! I'm sure everything will be super and wonderful. YAY!

  3. amazing!!!!!!!!!1

  4. Okay, so I just found your blog and it's amazing! Here I am working my way back and I'm floored and thinking, "how do you cut those without breaking them?" I'm serious. How do you do it? Do you stabilize your paper somehow? It's going to drive me crazy trying to figure it out. Did I mention amazing?
