
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Winter Wonderland - The Show

Friday's event has come and gone and it was such a wonderful success. There were a ton of people and everyone seemed to really like the show. So much work went into it by the people at the museum and I was so happy with how everything turned out.

Here I am with Dana, the artist in residence at the Discovery Gateway Children's Museum. This was the first time I've ever had a sign that had my name and bio at the bottom of it. So wacky!

This was the favorite piece of the show. I called it, "What Lies Beneath." There were these two ice fishermen who had caught a small fish (I don't know, a trout? What do people catch in the wintertime?). Unbeknownst to them, there is a whole school of gruesome scary fish dwelling in the water below. Andi was the purchaser of this piece and I'm super glad because now I can come visit it every once and a while.

Dana did so much to make this show happen. She had to prod me to get things in on time and we spent a whole Saturday one weekend painting windows and walls. She even cut out these wooden animals to adorn the room.

Me. I haven't been drinking real Coke or eating excessive sweets anymore so I fit into something from Forever 21 with ease. I was pretty proud of myself. I had actually only had time to eat some cereal and a cookie that day and I almost passed out by the end of the evening. Luckily a nice boy made me dinner at his house afterwards.

Thank you all who came to the show. If you are interested in seeing it still, the gallery is open to the public from 4:30-6 on Fridays and by special appointment. It's also open on March 19th for next month's gallery stroll from 6-9.


  1. I am so sad we missed it. Sick kids and such. We'll have to catch it on an upcoming Friday, from the pictures, it looks lovely!

    congrats Cindy.

  2. Your stuff is awesome, Cindy! I wish we lived in the area because I would come to your show for sure. You look great, and your art is so, so cool!

  3. What a treat! I'm loving that fishing scene. I don't remember seeing that one before. Congratulations. jan

  4. Wish I lived close so I could have gone to the show. I sold a paper cut portrait at a charity auction the other night. I was so excited.

  5. Congratulations, Cindy! It was a beautiful show. I am glad that my girls and I were able to come. The fishing one was my favorite too. I thought the big wooden cut outs were a nice touch.

  6. Cindy, I love your paper cuts! Or would paper cuttings be the right terminology? Paper cuts brings a different image to mind. I am sorry I missed your show, but hope to be able to see them while they're still up. I also have loved watching over the last several years, seeing where our circles continue to overlap. I have this fleeting memory of square dancing that involves you and a Seattle crew.


  7. Melissa Irvin5:28 PM

    Looks like you had a GREAT show. I love your 'What Lies Beneath' piece - it is fantastic, like everything else you do!

  8. Love it Cindy! I so wish I could see your show!

  9. I loved loved loved the show! Thanks for taking a few minutes to share some of the stories behind the cuts while we were there! My kids loved them too!

  10. I thought the fish on the end of the line was just the bait for the bigger monster. Interesting.

    Can I hang this in a bathroom next to a toilet or would that make people too nervous whilst sitting on a toilet??

  11. Your art real great! Super talented!
