
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Template Tuesday - Lion Hearted

Okay, before we get down to brass tacks, I've got a question to ask of all of you. At the gallery/children's museum that I'm going to be showing my work at really soon, they are going to have a little section where the kids can go and try their hand at paper cutting. I am coming up with the artwork for this portion as well. My question is, what do kids love nowadays? I think when I was a little girl, I would have loved to cut out princesses and bunnies. What is hip with the younger crowd these days?

Now, on to the template. Boy, it feels like forever since I've done one of these. Here's one I did this weekend. I didn't have anything to reference when drawing the big cat, so I'm imagining he's more of a leopard than a tiger or lion.

Here's what the template will look like. I think the most difficult part will be the hands and the leash. Just remember to cut from left to right (right to left if you're left handed) so that you can see what you're cutting.

Download your free template here: Lion Hearted
Don't forget to write in your suggestions for what kinds of things kids would like to cut out!


  1. Great cat design for off the top of your head! I'd say it's really a cheetah, they have smaller skulls and their faces are shaped a little differently, quite like you have there!

  2. Your work is lovely and wonderful. Kids today are a different breed, yes? I think that they still love animals and BUGS! Butterflies - dragonflies, skulls! (yuck!)

  3. I love cats, all kind of cats..and I dare to say that I'm in love with this girl and her cats, or cheetah.

  4. My girls love princesses, butterflies, rainbows, balloons, cats, puppies and anything like that. On your table, make sure you have simple ones for the smaller children. You will find they will love this! But also put some that are fun and challenging for the older kids. My 12 year old would still like doing this if it was challenging.

  5. my niece loves being a princes - we made her a paper tiara for her bday - maybe a cut like that would be perfect! her brother, though, adores cars and guns - i vote to go with cars. they also love sports - maybe a basketball hoop for the more challenging ones for boys. they also like bugs i think - well my home schooled nephews do. oh, and legos, and all things star wars.

  6. woodland animals are a big hit with my kids these days - bears, deer, fox, squirrels, rabbits, etc. Maybe some nature oriented things too like leaves, acorns, trees would be fun. Wish I were closer so I could bring my kids - something fun and unique for kids to see!

  7. Anonymous7:59 AM

    my little one (7) loves animals of all kind, horses and unicorns.

  8. The ideas for girls are pretty easy, the princess, bunny, kitty, butterfly things work well. My boy loves dogs, dinosaurs, knights, cars, rocketships, bugs.

  9. All the three/four year olds by my house, are obsessed with monster trucks. Both boys and girls.
    In fact I was informed my next car should be a monster truck.

  10. All that girly stuff that has already been listed - and older boys seem to really be into the "graffiti" (spelling?) look. Like maybe a word like "Dude" or "Cool" hehe. I'd bet the little girls would like a word too with some butterflies and such. CAN'T WAIT to see what you come up with!

  11. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Yes to bugs of all sorts - those who are into creepy-crawlies will love stick insects and horned beetles, while the kinder gentler types will enjoy the lovely butterflies, dragonflies, lady bugs...

  12. Ballet never seems to go wrong with girls. And maybe some cool "rock n roll" kinds of things for tweens -- ipods, music notes, guitars...

  13. my 6 yr old boy loves trains,tractors and farm machinery, rockets, windmills, space ships, road work machinery.

    My daughter is 3 so too little to cut but she loves penguins, princesses, tea parties and babies.

  14. Cathy6:19 PM

    Lots of good ideas already suggested, including insects and animals of all types, and other things found in nature such as flowers and other plants. You could also have some more free form or abstract designs so that "mistakes" wouldn't matter. Almost any shape can become a flower...or a monster...or a space creature...

  15. Animals are great. Maybe some larger landscape type pieces so they can arrange their own landscape? A tree, cloud, etc. I love this one; the lion is gorgeous! I'll be linking.

  16. My boys (7 and 2) are into aliens, robots, trains, kitties, and puppies. I can't wait to give the lion a shot - thanks!

  17. Thanks you guys and thanks for all your suggestions! These are so great!

  18. I'm a little late chiming in, but I vote for Trains and Dinosaurs and Farm Animals and Butterflies. My kids are 2 and 4, so maybe a bit young for serious papercutting, but they would both (girl and boy) LOVE any of my above suggestions. Wish we were closer so they could participate!

  19. You have gorgeous paper-cut designs and so much talent. Thank-you for sharing these. Have you ever thought about designing for digital cutting companies (ie. the Silhouette Machine?).

  20. Beth, the dinosaur idea is really appealing to me!

    Maggie, I would love to do that, but currently I'm working for Making Memories and can't do anything for other companies. I wish though!

  21. You do such a fantastic job! I so enjoy watching to see what new creations you will come up with!

    Your blog brings sunshine to my day! As a matter of fact, there is an award waiting for you on my blog because of all the sunshine you bring! Stop by when you get a chance!
    This, That, & T'other

  22. My kids would probably like super heros, animals, and princesses.

  23. Linda S.11:41 AM

    Lots of good suggestions here. This is the kind of think my son (7 years next month) would love. He likes animals, wild & domestic (sea otters a particular favorite), also inventions--vehicles, aircraft, machines--the wilder the better. Musical instruments too, especially the "cool" ones, such as electric guitars and jazz instruments. Good luck--wish we lived near enough to come see your exhibit!

  24. your works are wonderfull. I like them
