My co-worker, Audre, has always been a fan of papercuts. When I gave the previous scherenschnitte to my other co-worker who just had a baby, she was a little miffed. I told her I'd do the next one for her and asked her what she wanted. She said a mountain scene and then I completely went and disregarded what she said. She has this little demon dog, Looey, who only loves her. She also loves to ride her bike and has a basket to go with it. So I thought I'd combine the two. The nights are getting a little chilly again and the scent of Fall is in the air. There probably won't be too many more bike rides left in the year for us working girls. Here's a little papercut to remember the days.
Here's what the pattern will look like. Remember to cut out the inside parts first. Also, remember that whatever way you cut something out on the back, the image will be reversed on the front.

Also, a big THANK YOU to One Pretty Thing, Craft: and How About Orange for featuring Scherenschnitte on their blogs! I'm gonna have to send you guys some papercuts too!
This is the BEST yet!
LOooooooooooove this papercut. Thanks for the template.
I agree with Nana, this is my favorite so far! Thanks so much, I'll be linking.
I think this my favorite also! Again, awesome!
Actually you are all over the place...Angry Chicken has you on her side bar under 'Frequently Changing List of Awesome Blogs' and Marth's Vineyard Fiber Farm had a link to you as well. Way to get around!
Hi! I found your blog a few weeks ago, and I love it! I thought I'd try my hand at some papercutting, but I was wondering where you can get black origami paper in bulk. You say on your video that it's convenient because one side is white. What other tips do you have paper-wise? Thanks!
Just want to say Thank You for being so kind and giving us free templates. I am no expert and enjoyed papercutting one of your designs which I want to frame for my daughter's room (well I might try to papercut it better before having it framed lol)
Link to my blog if you want to see: http://nadineatchia.blogspot.com/
I love this. I just found your blog through How About Orange's blog...blog stalking, but I digress.
I can't wait to try some of these. :)
Wow! I just found your site. I do some papercutting too. I added myself as a follower. I'll keep checking back.
thanks for another lovely paper-cutting template Cindy. Oh, and thank you too for your comment on my blog where I posted my cutting of your Harry Potter Owl.
Does there happen to be a tree template amongst your up and comings?
Absolutely delightful and sweet.
so excited you'll be teaching at Art Weekend!
hope i can sit in on the class and learn!
i just went through all of your pages on your blog. And I have to say WOW. You have so much talent and imagination. I love your work. Very inspirational to me, thanks :)
Hello! I just found your blog- we have mutual friends- you totally inspired me and yesterday, I decided to take the day off from my kids and did my first papercut! www.stuffbethanymade.blogspot.com You are so talented. Thank you for the inspiration!
I love love love this site (just discovered it!) and I REALLY want this bike riding template but the download isn't working!!!!
Could you check it please?
I found your page via One Pretty Thing. I came hoping to get the End of Summer Bike Ride pattern. The template link isn't working. Hopefully if it works again they will be able link to it again.
I'm another recent lurker who would love to be able to download the 'end of summer bike ride' too! Please let us know if it will be available again soon!
I love this girl! SOOOO much! I'm cutting it RIGHT now on black paper and will glitter it, slap it on a card and send it to a friend.... THANK YOU!
I just received a glitter version of this on a card. Fabulous!
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