
Monday, October 07, 2013

In Focus: Ingrid Lavoie

So, Pinterest makes it easy for me to be inspired by other papercut artist's work out there. I do a general search for papercut or scherenschnitte and find LOTS of boards to follow. I happened to follow a board by a woman named Ingrid Lavoie and she posted this awesome papercut of a buffalo and I just had to find out who did it and I come to find out that Ingrid did it. Check out her papercut pinterest board here: Ingrid Lavoie. Her other pages are pretty cool, too, if you want some great inspiration. Then, I went to her website and found her blog and it is filled with all sorts of spectacular things. And you know what got me, right to the heart? This squirrel papercut. I want to eat it up, I love it so.


  1. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Hi Cindy!

    I just followed a lead to your blog from PaperCrave. I was so interested to learn how you make your paper cuttings. I had a Home 'doh moment, when you showed scanning your drawing and then printing it out to cut. What a time saver. I then almost fell off my chair when I saw the post about me! I am so touched! Reading your kind words really put some wind in my sails, on a week when I have been sailing on some rough water, so to speak. So thank you! I also love all your merch at society6! Fabulous!!!-Ingrid

  2. Hi Ingrid, aw, gee, I'm glad that post was good for you. You deserve it! You do such beautiful work!

    Ha! Ha! About the scanning - that is such a lifesaver. Plus, sometimes I draw things that I like how they look, but not the position and I don't want to draw them again and then I can just move them in photoshop instead of having to redraw the whole thing.
