
Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Template Tuesday - Groundhog Day

So, tomorrow is Groundhog Day. A day that, for most people, carries much hope and suspense. Will Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow, thus signifying the onslaught of 6 more weeks of winter or will he emerge from his hole, granting us a reprieve from this gloomy malaise? We'll see what happens. I, for one, wouldn't mind for this dreadful cold weather that we've suddenly received here in Salt Lake to disappear.

Here's a nice little Groundhog Day papercut for those who might be fixated with the holiday or just like groundhogs. It's a mirror image one, so be careful not to cut through the center parts that aren't grayed out. This is what the template will look like:

To download your free Groundhog Day scherenschnitt, click here: Groundhog Day


  1. Phew! So far the groundhogs have been predicting an early spring!

  2. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the Cutting category today [03 Feb 12:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  3. That is a nice template? I wonder what paper shall I use for it.

  4. Hi Cindy! I was wondering how to get ahold of you to ask about commissioning a papercutting project. Can you email me at

    Thanks! Penny

  5. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I just found your blog & am enjoying it. I hope to start paper cutting soon. Thanks for sharing your work & your ideas here.

    Marti Schrock
    Franklin, Indiana, USA

  6. blog---your work is wonderful! i've only recently discovered papercutting and just did a post about it--hope it's ok that i linked to your site.
    thank you so much for all of the free templates!

  7. My anniversary is groundhog's day! I know Zip about your art of cutting - but I am going to try this! :)
