
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Template Tuesday - Jonah

So, a little while ago, I was sitting in Sunday School and we were talking about Jonah and all I can do when I hear about Jonah is think of the song from my mission that some Pentecostals sang at a party once. It's stuck in my head and will forever be there, I think. It goes something like this:

Talkin' 'bout Daniel in the den of the lion
Jonah in the belly of the whale
Talkin' 'bout three Hebrew children in the furnace
And the fire didn't burn them.

Dang, I love that song. I found all the lyrics online a little while ago and it pleased me. So, here's my Jonah sketch from when I wasn't paying attention in class.

This is what the template would look like:

Click here to download your free papercutting template: Jonah


  1. Awesome! I love his big mouth. I think you should do a series of paper cuttings of the crazier old testament stories!

  2. You crack me up. I enjoy your commentary as much as your snips. jan

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Anonymous8:00 AM

    This one made me laugh :D I like how you integrate bible stories into your artwork Cindy

  5. Cindy, for some reason I cannot download the template for Jonah. Could you look into this and advise. This is such a lovely pattern. Thank you for all of the freebies.


  6. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Me too.

    Shebandowan: How about clicking on the picture to see a bigger one?

  7. Anonymous6:46 PM

    This is wonderful, as always. Thank you so much for sharing so generously, Cindy. I appreciate you.

    Also, I finished my "Beetle's Devotion" piece, from the pattern in the book which features your work, and I LOVE IT. I have it hanging on my wall already, and I posted it on my blog..along with links and thanks to you.

    Best wishes,

  8. Thanks guys! Hey, I fixed the link. Sorry about that.

  9. Very neat! Whales are very in

  10. Wow, I love it!

    But I can't seem to download the new PDF either...

  11. Okay, I think I fixed it for reals this time.
