
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Template Tuesday - Creche

I'll bet you were thinking, "There's no way Cindy's going to do another template, she doesn't have any of her Christmas shopping done. How can she have time?" These are valid thoughts, but I created this last week at the same time I created the other one. Two birds with one stone!

Christmas day is almost upon us. My bishop requested that all the members of the ward read the 4 gospels and 3rd Nephi in order for us to gain a greater knowledge of Christ this Christmas season. So far I've read Matthew and Mark. It's been a wonderful refresher of who exactly He is and what He has done for us. I hope we can all get to know Him a little bit better this season.

This is what the template looks like. Be careful around the star! Cut the gray areas out first!
Download here: Creche


  1. This is beautiful! I love to see your work. Here is one I did this year. I just thought I'd share.

  2. That's lovely, Cindy. Merry Christmas to you! (I totally "get" how doing your snips takes precedence over shopping and other things that you HAVE to get done.)


  3. It's just perfect! This is definitely next on my list to try.

  4. It's beautiful! Thanks for the template, I'll be linking. Good luck with your shopping!

  5. Thank you for the template, Cindy. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  6. hi cindy, i LOVE your blog! i had done scherenschnitte years ago and every now and again, i'll cut something else out. you have inspired me to "get back to it!"
    thanks for sharing...joanne
