
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Glory, Hallelujah! The Art

Here is all the artwork from the show! This took a lot of work and so much research. I am so pleased with how it turned out. I arranged them in order of their statehood for a little educatin'. If you are interested in buying any of them, please contact Blonde Grizzly and they will be happy to help you out!

#1 Delaware
State Flower: Peach blossom
State Bird: Blue Hen Chicken

#2 Pennsylvania
State Flower: Mountain laurel
Ruffed Grouse

#3 New Jersey
State Flower: Purple violet
State Bird: Eastern Goldfinch

#4 Georgia
State Flower: Cherokee rose
State Bird: Brown Thrasher

#5 Connecticut
State Flower: Mountain laurel
State Bird: Robin

#6 Massachusetts
State Flower: Mayflower
State Bird: Chickadee

#7 Maryland
State Flower: Black eyed susan
State Bird: Baltimore Oriole

#8 South Carolina
State Flower: Yellow jessamine
State Bird: Great Carolina Wren

#9 New Hampshire
State Flower: Purple lilac
State Bird: Purple Finch

#10 Virginia
State Flower: Dogwood
State Bird: Cardinal

#11 New York

State Flower: Rose
State Bird: Bluebird

#12 North Carolina

State Flower: Dogwood
State Bird: Cardinal

#13 Rhode Island
State Flower: Violet
State Bird: Rhode Island Red

#14 Vermont
State Flower: Red clover
State Bird: Hermit Thrush

#15 Kentucky

State Flower: Goldenrod
State Bird: Cardinal

#16 Tennessee
State Flower: Purple iris
State Bird: Mockingbird

#17 Ohio
State Flower: Scarlet carnation
State Bird: Cardinal

#18 Louisiana
State Flower: Magnolia
State Bird: Eastern Brown Pelican

#19 Indiana
State Flower: Peony
State Bird: Cardinal

#20 Mississippi
State Flower: Magnolia
State Bird: Mockingbird

#21 Illinois
State Flower: Native violet
State Bird: Cardinal

#22 Alabama

State Flower: Camellia
State Bird: Yellowhammer

#23 Maine

State Flower: Pine cone & tassel
State Bird: Chickadee

#24 Missouri
State Flower: Hawthorn
State Bird: Bluebird

#25 Arkansas
State Flower: Apple blossom
State Bird: Mockingbird

#26 Michigan
State Flower: Apple blossom
State Bird: Robin

#27 Florida
State Flower: Orange blossom
State Bird: Mockingbird

#28 Texas

State Flower: Bluebonnet
State Bird: Mockingbird

#29 Iowa
State Flower: Wild rose
State Bird: Eastern Goldfinch

#30 Wisconsin

State Flower: Wood violet
State Bird: Robin

#31 California
State Flower: Golden poppy
State Bird: California Valley Quail

#32 Minnesota
State Flower: Lady slipper
State Bird: Common Loon

#33 Oregon
State Flower: Oregon grape
State Bird: Western Meadowlark

#34 Kansas

State Flower: Native sunflower
State Bird: Western Meadowlark

#35 West Virginia
State Flower: Rhododendron
State Bird: Cardinal

#36 Nevada
State Flower: Sagebrush
State Bird: Mountain Bluebird

#37 Nebraska

State Flower: Goldenrod
State Bird: Western Meadowlark

#38 Colorado
State Flower: Columbine
State Bird: Lark Bunting

#39 (or 40) North Dakota

State Flower: Wild prairie rose
State Bird: Western Meadowlark

#40 (or 39) South Dakota
State Flower: Pasque flower
State Bird: Ring-necked Pheasant

#41 Montana

State Flower: Bitterroot
State Bird: Western Meadowlark

#42 Washington

State Flower: Western rhododendron
State Bird: Willow Goldfinch

#43 Idaho
State Flower: Syringa
State Bird: Mountain Bluebird

#44 Wyoming
State Flower: Indian paint brush
State Bird: Western Meadowlark

#45 Utah
State Flower: Sego lily
State Bird: California Seagull

#46 Oklahoma
State Flower: Mistletoe
State Bird: Scissor-tailed Flycatcher

#47 New Mexico

State Flower: Yucca
State Bird: Roadrunner

#48 Arizona
State Flower: Saguaro cactus
State Bird: Cactus Wren

#49 Alaska
State Flower: Forget-me-not
State Bird: Willow Ptarmigan

#50 Hawaii
State Flower: Hibiscus
State Bird: Nene

Do you have a favorite?


  1. WOW! Lovely as usual!!!!

  2. Amazing.
    And both bummed and excited that the North Dakota one is already sold!

  3. Just beautiful. I'm totally flashed.


  4. I love them all! Washington especially caught my eye. I have so many family and friends who I think would love one of these from their respective states...but no Washington DC? I guess they're not really a state...

  5. OMG, these are so awesome!

  6. These are so beautiful but...why is Tennessee upside down?

  7. These are awesome! I raise a few Rhode Island Reds and I think you got the personality of the bird right in the design! Love all of them!

  8. They look beautiful, congrats on the show!

    PS: The image for Alabama is backwards too. :)

  9. Cindy,
    You've outdone yourself. These are fantastic. You've had to do a lot of meadowlarks and cardinals haven't you?

  10. I LOVE these! Your style is so perfect.

  11. Oh I would love a set of these for Canada, your work is exquisite, lovely and jaw!

  12. Cindy - These are so gorgeous!

  13. Beautiful! These would make great quilt applique patterns-a whole new outlet for your art. If I were a book publisher, I would make you a deal! Just a quilter and admirerer (visiting by way of Luanna).

  14. stunning. what a woman!!

  15. Hi Cindy!

    My mom picked up your card in Princess Anne, Maryland, and gave it to me! I just wanted to say "hello" and that your work is beautiful! I especially love the Delaware papercut, but I'm probably biased!
    Keep up the snipping!
    Kim Frey :-)

  16. These are gorgeous! You make this looks SO easy to do. And thank you for the gifts of patterns of your own to let us use :)

  17. I just found your blog and I love this art series! Is there any chance you'd be willing to share the Montana template?

  18. The Alabama state outline is backwards.
