
Sunday, June 28, 2009

C'est Fini!

This weekend I took all my pieces down to the gallery in Provo. It is such a relief to have them all completed and in someone else's hands. I'm excited for Friday, if anything to see some old friends who I haven't seen in forever. I'm also excited to start back up Template Tuesday! Woot! Just in time for the 4th. You guys have no idea how guilty I felt not doing them.

This one is called, "He had No Idea what He Doing Out Here but He Sure Did Love to See Her Smile," or something like that. I can't remember what I wrote.


  1. It would have been super awesome to have a wagon pulled by a Unicorn!

  2. Dang it, that's genius. You are now designated as the idea man for the next show.

  3. I love so much about this. The line for the clouds is a masterstroke (or mastercut), the woman is beautiful in her subtlety, the man wonderful... etc.
    Really beautiful work!

  4. I love this! I'm always so in awe of your work.

  5. Marvelous. Really, marvelous.

    Enjoy your time with old friends!

  6. Dude, please tell me that poor pioneer woman is not walking the plains PREGNANT. Again, so glad to NOT be a pioneer. Very lovely BTW...
    I'll actually be in SLC this weekend! I'm hoping to make it down for your awesome show!

  7. Wow, that is just so GREAT. Love it... and love that title. fitting. Wow, you are getting some great ideas.

  8. Lovely as always. I love the delicate lines of the clouds. (And I love this title and the pirate one. Really funny!) jan

  9. I just had to come by and comment AGAIN on this cut. it is seriously second only to the Pride and Prejudice cut you did last year, for me. It is just so moving, funny, and full of love all at the same time. now that is art!
