Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Template Tuesday - Woodsy

Sometimes I think that people are sick of my paper cuts and they're like, "Cindy, paper cut, paper cut, paper cut...don't you do anything else besides paper cut?" And sometimes, really, that's pretty much all I do. So I feel like people might not want one, but when I receive gifts from people that they made, I generally like them. I like them a lot. So it was my friend Elin's birthday today and I asked her what animals she liked or what fairy tale and she said she liked woodland creatures, particularly owls, squirrels and deer. So I made her a little papercut based on those things. And in giving to her, I also give to you. Enjoy!
Download your template in pdf format here: Woodsy


Ursula Shaw said...

Thank you. I love your papercuts!

Beverly {Flamingo Toes} said...

Thank you so much!! I just love this one. Actually - I love all your papercuts and soooo appreciate that you make some for us!!

Marie said...

That owl is totally scoping out that squirrel as a mid-morning snack. This is not going to end well.

Kathleen said...

I am fascinated by your paper cuts please don't ever stop posting them!

Shelle said...

I was browsing blogs and came across your's. It took me a whole 2 seconds to fall in love, print off a template and try my hand at this. I think I've found a new hobby. My husband will love you for that! :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THIS! looking forward to many more template tuesdays!

Filomena said...

LOVE this! I'm gonna make this to hang in my cabin :)

Thank you thank you thank you!

olycrafter said...

Beautiful! Thank you :)

Hosted Exchange Email said...


Trisha said...

Hi, Cindy. I'm just checking on you! I hope you are enjoying a fun summer, and recharging your batteries, so to speak. Take care, Honey, and I look forward to seeing you back.

Term Papers said...

I was extremely happy to locate this website. I wanted to thank you with regard to this terrific read!! I certainly appreciated every little bit of it and I’ve you bookmarked to look at new things you publish.I was browsing blogs and came across your's. It took me a whole 2 seconds to fall in love, print off a template and try my hand at this.

Anonymous said...

Nice article
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emma said...

This is really cute! And so are the rest of them! So glad I discovered your blog! Oh and cute heading/title thing too ^^
...that was way too many exclamation marks >.<

Melody said...

Cindy, I used this template with freezer paper to paint it on dish towels for some of my friends here for Christmas. They turned out so wonderful. I love this template, and all of them! Thank you!

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Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,

I hope this is not a double post. Just wanted to let you know that your links to the templates are not working....I really wanted to try my hand at papercutting.

Cindy Bean said...


Anonymous said...

No-one could possibly get fed up with your paper cuts. They are wonderful!